Food glorious food pulls the crowds #Blog

Taste Cheshire
28th July 2014

Nantwich Food and Drink Festival will set tills ringing over the weekend September 5-7.

Businesses across town will throw open their doors to stage events including whisky tasting sessions, sausage-making workshops, cup cake decorating classes, food demonstrations and more.

Festival chairman Deborah Robb said: “Last year we welcomed some 30,000 people to our beautiful town and generated some £2m income. The atmosphere was electric and feed-back fantastic.

“Every year the festival gets bigger in size and reputation. Other festivals are now changing their dates so as not to clash and lose out on visiting traders.

“It really is one of South Cheshire’s biggest success stories. And this year we will have some surprises up on sleeve including a new central site.”

The free event, all centred in the heart of town, is billed as ‘the biggest and tastiest food festival in the country’ with a vast array of regionally produced gourmet foods, beers and wines to sample.

Run by a not-for-profit company with assistance from more than 60 volunteers, the festival is supported by local business sponsors.

Cheshire porridge company Mornflake and luxury car-maker Bentley are among its top supporters.



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